Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Cellular Reproduction and Google

Tonight we learned about cellular reproduction, mainly meiosis and mitosis. Many of started teaching this concept ahead of the AIMS test so it was very topical. The most interesting part of the night came when Bill started describing cancer as a sociopath. It was a great analogy, particularly when talking to students about cancer and how it works.

Now that many of you have registered with Gmail, you really should check out Google Docs. One of my Ed Tech professors required every one to use Google Docs instead of MS Office. I was furious...until I started using it. All of your documents are stored on-line increasing accessibility. They also have versions of Excel, PowerPoint, and Word and they are all compatible with MS Office. They have thousands of templates and lessons for teachers. Check out Google for Educators It has so many ideas and uses for Google. It even tells you how to search websites by reading levels. (Particularly useful when designing web quests or projects for some of your lower readers).

Google often has contests for students. Have your kids enter the Doodle for Google Contest. The theme is "What I'd like to do someday..." If your kids win...$15,000 scholarship for them and $25,000 tech grant for your school. Another contest the kids could enter is the Google Science Fair for kids 13 - 18. It might work for your 7th & 8th graders.

Start thinking about your website.
Have fun this week!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Genetic Code and Homeostasis in Disease Fighting

Wow! Tonight we learned about how the commands for everything our body does...right down to the cellular organelle level is controlled by the DNA! It was fascinating! The RNA transcription process was so intricate. It was difficult to believe it is just chemicals. Don't forget to go to Blackboard & take your quizzes.

On Saturday, April 30 from 8am to 4 pm at the Pinal County Education Office in Florence, we will be learning about what should go in a website and we get to build our very own website. You will acquire the tools and the know how to create a great website. Don't forget to sign up for a g-mail account if you haven't already. Make sure Geneva has your email address.

Start thinking about the following for your website.
What is my website's purpose?
I am a science teacher, but also a science leader. How can that be reflected in my site?
What resources do I want to put on my site?
What do I want my students & their parents to get out of my site?

Have a great week!

First Day

Welcome to the NGSL Science Blog. After each class or meeting, I will post what happened, what we studied, and general observations. Please feel free to add comments. This website, blog, and discussion board are meant to be a place for the NGSL Science Cohort to meet on-line. See you tonight!